An award-winning creative agency. We make great copy, photos, videos, animation and much more. Digital and even print solutions which get results for clients around the world and around the corner.
An award-winning creative agency. We make great copy, photos, videos, animation and much more. Digital and even print solutions which get results for clients around the world and around the corner.

Any medium, any delivery... always excellent. Our journalists, editors, designers, photographers and videographers are more than masters of their craft. Each is a strategic communicator in their own right.


Any medium, any delivery... always excellent. Our journalists, editors, designers, photographers and videographers are more than masters of their craft. Each is a strategic communicator in their own right.

Any media, any channel. A creative service which fits neatly with clients’ marketing and management teams. We listen, understand, make and deliver. On time, every time. From digital assets for international b2b exhibitions through anything printed, all the way to coffee cups to welcome a new team.
Any medium, any delivery... always excellent. Our journalists, editors, designers, photographers and videographers are more than masters of their craft. Each is a strategic communicator in their own right.
Each listens to customers, understands their needs and desired outcomes and produces effective content. We'll deliver print, web, socials and anything else (from coffee cups to hot air balloons, and everything in between).
With customers all around the world and just around the corner…
With customers around the world and around the corner…
Our journalists bring a keen understanding of storytelling, unearthing narratives that resonate with authenticity. Our photography captures the essence of moments, or captivating videos that speak volumes. Meanwhile, our graphic designers weave these elements together, transforming ideas into award-winning work which brings great results for our customers. At i-Creation, we believe in the synergy of these crafts, delivering a harmonious blend of words, images, and design that elevates every project. Join us on a journey where creativity knows no boundaries, and every project becomes a masterpiece in the making. Pellentesque eget dolor libero. Quisque ultrices, nibh quis tempor mattis, metus sem pellentesque tortor, ac pellentesque libero turpis sit amet neque. Vestibulum a orci sed metus mattis blandit quis faucibus ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacinia elit, in pellentesque quam dictum sed. Pellentesque vel venenatis enim. Donec et porta enim. Nunc ut sem pretium, consectetur mauris vel, sagittis mi. Ut iaculis euismod tortor sed dictum. Fusce in augue eu leo condimentum rhoncus. Ut porta accumsan lobortis. Phasellus sollicitudin velit lacus. Duis dignissim dolor eu consequat ornare. Sed eu felis a arcu fringilla scelerisque. Vestibulum sit amet libero neque. Maecenas imperdiet ligula in tincidunt commodo. In ut placerat dui, ut tincidunt est. Nullam placerat suscipit nisi, eu pellentesque nunc accumsan at. Pellentesque diam orci, semper sit amet nisl sed, ornare consectetur orci. Phasellus mollis luctus nibh, et mollis tellus. Nullam varius venenatis ante quis rhoncus. Etiam tincidunt neque a diam consectetur, sed rutrum diam pharetra. Donec euismod dolor nunc, quis ultrices erat lobortis eu. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam augue enim, rutrum sit amet varius vel, fermentum non metus. Cras a magna a augue venenatis porta. In in lacus diam. Vivamus vitae dictum ipsum, in iaculis nulla. Fusce velit libero, pellentesque vitae tortor eget, maximus bibendum risus. Sed molestie vulputate quam in suscipit.
Our journalists bring a keen understanding of storytelling, unearthing narratives that resonate with authenticity. Our photography captures the essence of moments, or captivating videos that speak volumes.
Meanwhile, our graphic designers weave these elements together, transforming ideas into award-winning work which brings great results for our customers.
At i-Creation, we believe in the synergy of these crafts, delivering a harmonious blend of words, images, and design that elevates every project. Join us on a journey where creativity knows no boundaries, and every project becomes a masterpiece in the making.
We tell authentic stories. It’s in our DNA. We make copy, pix, video and animations which do their job… and then they do more.

We’re b2b specialists, we’re great at b2c and we’re super at internal communications and employee engagement. That’s what happens when a team shares hundreds of years’ experiences.
We help to drive complex supply chains and customer journeys, sell stuff, help people to do their jobs more effectively, save money and make employees feel good about being at work.
We have produced millions of publications, hundreds of videos and hundreds of web-pages. We help people do their jobs better; encourage users to sign up and engage with projects; sell stuff; show the way on sustainability and save money. Quisque fermentum aliquam enim ac auctor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc lectus justo, consequat non scelerisque eu, euismod a turpis. Vestibulum laoreet lorem id felis gravida, sit amet tempor est lacinia. Pellentesque eget dolor libero. Quisque ultrices, nibh quis tempor mattis, metus sem pellentesque tortor, ac pellentesque libero turpis sit amet neque. Vestibulum a orci sed metus mattis blandit quis faucibus ex. Suspendisse dignissim lacinia elit, in pellentesque quam dictum sed. Pellentesque vel venenatis enim. Donec et porta enim. Nunc ut sem pretium, consectetur mauris vel, sagittis mi. Ut iaculis euismod tortor sed dictum. Fusce in augue eu leo condimentum rhoncus. Ut porta accumsan lobortis. Phasellus sollicitudin velit lacus. Duis dignissim dolor eu consequat ornare. Sed eu felis a arcu fringilla scelerisque. Vestibulum sit amet libero neque. Maecenas imperdiet ligula in tincidunt commodo. In ut placerat dui, ut tincidunt est. Nullam placerat suscipit nisi, eu pellentesque nunc accumsan at. Pellentesque diam orci, semper sit amet nisl sed, ornare consectetur orci. Phasellus mollis luctus nibh, et mollis tellus. Nullam varius venenatis ante quis rhoncus. Etiam tincidunt neque a diam consectetur, sed rutrum diam pharetra. Donec euismod dolor nunc, quis ultrices erat lobortis eu. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam augue enim, rutrum sit amet varius vel, fermentum non metus. Cras a magna a augue venenatis porta. In in lacus diam. Vivamus vitae dictum ipsum, in iaculis nulla. Fusce velit libero, pellentesque vitae tortor eget, maximus bibendum risus. Sed molestie vulputate quam in suscipit.

PR, Comms and Journalism
Our experienced news team makes and distributes great stories – for media, socials, web… engaging employees, b2b or reaching customers.

Photography and Video
Experience, expertise and vision… we make great images, films and footage.

Graphic Design
Artists, type and colour specialists, tech and huge experience… we’ll repurpose, refresh, redefine or start from scratch to make results every time.

2D, 3D, from our own drawings, or from clients’ CAD… with in-house motion capture and backed by our story-telling strength… the full package to make animations that do their job.

Publications and Print
We love making award-winning magazines and newspapers… we rescue jobs and prevent pre-press disasters… we’ll buy and manage the best print and delivery/mailing options.

Digital solutions
We make the assets that do their job on socials, web, at exhibitions or in applications.

PR, Communications
and Journalism
Our experienced news team makes and distributes great stories – for media, socials, web… engaging employees, b2b or reaching customers.
Our experienced news team makes and distributes great stories – for media, socials, web… engaging employees, b2b or reaching customers.

Photography and Video
Experience, expertise and vision… we make great images, films and footage.
Collapsible text is perfect for longer content like paragraphs and descriptions. It’s a great way to give people more information while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, including an external website or a different page. You can set your text box to expand and collapse when people click, so they can read more or less info.

Graphic Design
Artists, type and colour specialists, tech and huge experience… we’ll repurpose, refresh, redefine or start from scratch to make results every time.
Collapsible text is perfect for longer content like paragraphs and descriptions. It’s a great way to give people more information while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, including an external website or a different page. You can set your text box to expand and collapse when people click, so they can read more or less info.

2D, 3D, from our own drawings, or from clients’ CAD… with in-house motion capture and backed by our story-telling strength… the full package to make animations that do their job.
Collapsible text is perfect for longer content like paragraphs and descriptions. It’s a great way to give people more information while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, including an external website or a different page. You can set your text box to expand and collapse when people click, so they can read more or less info.

Publications and Print
We love making award-winning magazines and newspapers… we rescue jobs and prevent pre-press disasters… we’ll buy and manage the best print and delivery/mailing options.
Collapsible text is perfect for longer content like paragraphs and descriptions. It’s a great way to give people more information while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, including an external website or a different page. You can set your text box to expand and collapse when people click, so they can read more or less info.

Digital solutions
We make the assets that do their job on socials, web, at exhibitions or in applications.
Collapsible text is perfect for longer content like paragraphs and descriptions. It’s a great way to give people more information while keeping your layout clean. Link your text to anything, including an external website or a different page. You can set your text box to expand and collapse when people click, so they can read more or less info.

Experienced journalist, public relations and communications lead, project manager, ideas generator. Infectious enthusiasm. Leads the i-creation team, looks after customers around the world and around the corner, wins work, does the business, delivers results. Reviews communications teams and makes them better.

Ninja – results for customers.

Journalist, editor, organiser. Writes a mean story, headline, caption. Skilled with words in every way. Understands business, local government, public services – that’s why he gets results for all of them.

United Nations level insight… clarity on tap.

Software genius. Creative application. Makes great assets. In tune with infrastructure. Saves skins and money with pre-press skills and experience.

Unflappable plate spinner and daily deliverer of results.

Looks at the numbers and the data and drives i-creation’s growth and marketing strategies. Handy with socials.

Sees stuff the others don’t… clients love him.

Senior journalist and news generator. Writes to engage audiences and achieve results. Disciplined, engaged, effective. Tells any story with clarity and understanding.

Silent assassin – always first with the killer story.

Poetic pictures. Makes photos, images and even flies a drone with style. Assets that do their job… every time.

Super cool… super friendly… super effective.

Creative supremo. New tech wizard. Graphics, video, effects, animation. Transforms ideas and briefs into visuals that work.

If the Jedi Council had a creative… that.

Ron can write…and then some. Superb journalist. Insightful interviewer and researcher.

Terrier-like tenacity and calm authority.

Strategic perspective. Wisdom. Corporate and governance visionary.

Nails it with immediate understanding and advice.

Experienced journalist, public relations and communications lead, project manager, ideas generator. Infectious enthusiasm. Leads the i-creation team, looks after customers around the world and around the corner, wins work, does the business, delivers results. Reviews communications teams and makes them better.

Ninja – results for customers.

Journalist, editor, organiser. Writes a mean story, headline, caption. Skilled with words in every way. Understands business, local government, public services – that’s why he gets results for all of them.

United Nations level insight… clarity on tap.

Software genius. Creative application. Makes great assets. In tune with infrastructure. Saves skins and money with pre-press skills and experience.

Unflappable plate spinner and daily deliverer of results.

Looks at the numbers and the data and drives i-creation’s growth and marketing strategies. Handy with socials.

Sees stuff the others don’t… clients love him.

Senior journalist and news generator. Writes to engage audiences and achieve results. Disciplined, engaged, effective. Tells any story with clarity and understanding.

Silent assassin – always first with the killer story.

Poetic pictures. Makes photos, images and even flies a drone with style. Assets that do their job… every time.

Super cool… super friendly… super effective.

Creative supremo. New tech wizard. Graphics, video, effects, animation. Transforms ideas and briefs into visuals that work.

If the Jedi Council had a creative… that.

Ron can write…and then some. Superb journalist. Insightful interviewer and researcher.

Terrier-like tenacity and calm authority.

Strategic perspective. Wisdom. Corporate and governance visionary.

Nails it with immediate understanding and advice.
Award-winning creative agency i-creation has added another national title to its trophy cabinet with a win at the UK’s leading community rail awards. The Stoke-on-Trent agency’s “Travel with the Green Team” campaign of animations, printed learning resources and school webinars scooped the award for Influencing Positive Change and Sustainability at the Community Rail Network’s ceremony in Cardiff. The campaign introduces cartoon character Daffnee Green who leads 7 to 11-year-old pupils through a journey to the beach while showing the green credentials of travelling by train, using electric vehicles instead of diesel or petrol, cycling, walking and recycling. A printed education pack contains lots of activities to support learning sessions, a webinar broadcast live to thousands of schools allowed children to quiz Daffnee in a fun Q&A session, and the first 10,000 children to take part received a branded “Travel with the Green Team” pencil which they could plant to grow an herb garden once they’d used it up.

We’re b2b specialists, we’re great at b2c and we’re super at internal communications and employee engagement. That’s what happens when a team shares hundreds of years’ experiences.
We help to drive complex supply chains and customer journeys, sell stuff, help people to do their jobs more effectively, save money and make employees feel good about being at work.